Committee of Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP)
European Medicines Agency
London, United Kingdom
Research Area:
Orphan medicinal products development and evaluation; pharmacology of inflammation; human medicines evaluation; regulatory science; general and special toxicology and non-clinical drug development
Malcolm Schinstine
Malcolm Schinstine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Nevada School of Medicine
Nevada, USA
Cytopathology for Aurora Diagnostics Western Pathology
Nevada, USA
Research Area:
Cytopathology; anatomic pathology; rapid on site assessment; fine needle aspiration
J. Fernando Quevedo
J. Fernando Quevedo
Associate Professor
Division of Medical Oncology
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, MN, USA
Research Area:
Oncology, Hematology
William Cho
William Cho
Biomedical Scientist
Department of Clinical Oncology
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Hong Kong
Research Area:
Cancer biomarkers; microRNA; proteomics; NSCLC; molecular diagnostics
Shahid Pervez
Shahid Pervez
Professor & Consultant Histopathologist
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan
Research Area:
Cancer, immunohistochemistry, lymphoma, surgical pathology, tumors
Oliver Micke
Oliver Micke
Medical Director of the Franziskus Hospitals Chief physician of the Clinic for Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Munster Bielefeld, Germany Research Area: Rare cancers, radiotherapy, rare cancer network, benign disorders, registry of rare diseases
Yadi Zhou
Yadi Zhou
Data scientist Genomic Medicine Institute Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic USA
Research Area: Multi-omics integration, Network medicine, Cancer mutanome, Drug repurposing
Silvina Mastaglia
Silvina Mastaglia
Medical Staff Member of the Genetics Division
Internal Medicine Department, Clinical Hospital
University of Buenos Aires
Research Area: Vitamin D, osteoporosis, bone markers and rare diseases (fibrous dysplasia, tumor-induced osteomalacia and Paget’s disease of bone).
John M Govere
John M Govere
Wits Research Institute for Malaria University of Witwatersrand Faculty of Health Sciences School of Pathology Johannesburg, South Africa
Research Area: Malaria vector surveillance, Malaria control, Malaria programme planning
Angelo Loris Brunetta
Angelo Loris Brunetta
Board Member Thalassaemia International Federation Genoa, Italy
Research Area: Rare haematological diseases
Kun Zheng
Kun Zheng
Department of Nuclear Medicine,
Peking Union Medical College Hospital